Saturday, May 31, 2008

Solapur ke Sholay

Solapur is a sleepy, hot and lazy small town, in south Maharashtra, near Andhra Border. The turns and twist of life took me there for 3 marathon meetings.

I would get up at 4.30 – 5.0 am. , take bath, drink tea, make sandwich for journey. Reach Swar Gate and catch 8.00 Ghomoo bus for Solapur. It will reach there at around 3.0 O’clock, when city is hot and reeling under bright, hot sun trying to drink as much water from your body, as it can. Our meeting will start around 8.0 o’clock and most of times will end at late night dinner table in some obscure outlet. I will be dropped at station to catch return train Chenia-Mumbai touching Solapur at 3.20 a.m the first train of the day for Pune.

The outlook of the city effects the citizens. The Solapur is very small town, but the people themselves have much smaller outlook. Even those who travel a lot and see the world with many perspectives, develop this attitude. A Rs: 3000/- salary earning peon of Mumbai’s attitude towards money will be more open and broad then Rs: 30,000/- earning professional in Solapur. Why?

Maybe, it is city which gives opportunity, which transforms into broad, open and progressive attitude of its citizen.

The city looks like 50’s small lane city with no proper development, no freshness, no character. The new pockets coming up here and there, look as if they are sorry to be there amidst such ruins, spoiling charm of ruins. In 50’s atleast most of males adopted ‘Outshirt & Suthan’ as universal attire, as the dry heat made this a practical choice. This made the city had some character and its own identity. However, over the time, today you see mix of ‘T’ shirts, tattered cloths, Jeans and Pants josting along with out dated old attire.

In this city the number one businessman will be found in 100 square feet of crumbling shop in small by-lane, merely doing his business in most leisurely fashion. The air conditioners of all professionals act as display unit only, assuring every visitor that this office can afford one. No electricity so no use of A.c. The Vice-President will sit eating lunch along with his office peon entertaining his ‘Samdhi’ in same restaurant, as there is no other option for both of them. Socialism…? Late night dinner, forget it. And yes, 9.0 O’clock is starting point of late night!

The youngster as well as ladies stay glued to TV as there is no option of entertainment. What with no Multi-Plex, no corner Coffee shop, no Malls, no Cultural activities, no exbhition hall, what can one do, but watch idiot box? Is there any meetin place for romantic inclined citizen? garden, Zoo, Shopping Area, College Canteen? Sorry sir, not presently.

And still life goes on…

This city reminded me of Sholay’s Ramgad. Why? No clue. The Ramgad was more picturesque, neat, clean and interesting because of variety of people, far cry from Solapur. Still. Maybe it was heat. Which means hot ‘Sholay’.

I was expecting that the Rising India has reached there and I will be able to take pot shots. But believe me, I came without taking a single snap. This must be kind of God's joke with me, that I could not find anything interesting to shot in that city! Must be my no-foto day or something.

by P G Dodeja

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Palakh Ke Pahle Jhalak

Palakh Umesh Valech, is 6th generation descendant of Diwan Pessumal!! We will be seeing much more of her, in future, but for now, I find it very amusing to see one Dodeja born in somewhere in 1850's and his 6th generation descendant born in 21st century, appearing on my blog. Wow!
Diwan Pessumals 2nd son Lokram, his 1st Son Girdharilal, his 2nd Son Haresh, his 1st daughter Neha and finally her daughter, Palakh. This is how this sixer was bowled.
by P G Dodeja

Friday, May 9, 2008

Diwan Pessumal & His Children

This I am sure is oldest photograph of Dodeja Family. The rough estimate says that this was taken in 1920's. In the center is Diwan Pessumal, my great grand father. He is surrounded by his 5 sons and on right side is his daughter. However, my GGF had five sons, who are 2 other boys? Oldest person in the family has no clue.