The Week Stared on Sunday by Krshna Kunj Kids Entertainment Program. It was pleasure to see Chinky & Rinky participating in small acts, singing and dancing. The sutradhar was ever smiling Sharat Dodeja. And yes, Manju had a small roll of customer buying milk! KK society has 18 girls and 3 boys, all born during last12 years, who acted under the guidance of one Mrs Lobo.
Muskan joined the call center for Orchid Hotel and spent her 1st week doing her job, making calls, leads provided by myself, Akshay, and Lali. She expected at least one positive result, but was disappointed. And this was an offer week for her. Got offer from harshal of Aviva. Then Payal Chandan send her team for Game show, 'Ghar Ghar ki Baat'. Initially Muskan and Pinky were both excited and willing to participate, but last night for some unknown reason dropped the idea.
The Kashyap was off to sudden project offer of Prety. Delhi, Agra and back to Mumbai, editing and finishing the presentation. Will be there working and staying with Gulu.
Bindiya for a change challenged Mona and myself. She wanted to visit Mumbai and be with Mona on her birthday on 11th December. I was against her trip, so was Mona, due to her delicate health. But we have to give in. I took her to Mumbai by cab on Tuesday. She is enjoying her stay with Mona and sisters very much. Will return tomorrow with Akshay & Muskan.
After lot of debate and discussions Akshay and Lali went to Vishal Mega Mart and started the counter over there for AT product range. A new beginning.
On family front, received call from Bal that her son, Manish's wedding dates are fixed 1-2-3rd Feb 2010.
by P G Dodeja