Mad Caper
Is madness growing in our family?
A worry some question. Last few days have forced me to think
about the metal equilibrium of many members of the family. When ‘Chillam
Chilly’ club members, specially Deepa was around, we will lose our balance
and get involved in stupid acts. This effect, which I call ‘Lose of Balance’
will last few hours, normally. But this time around even in absence of Deepa, nuttiness lasted for days. This rabidness
was even passed on to Puja [who had come from Amritsar in morning,] within hours of her arrival in our home. And to make
my point, I present below few pictures. Only sober person was Akshay, who kept
in check and did not allow us to cross line, and kept Yerwada Hospital at arms length.
To start
with, Shyam Uncle drew my attention to this sign. This is a Departmental
Store near Dhagdo Seth Ganpati. But the few letters missing say a
different story. 'H' is silent because the most sober person in our
group was Haresh.
Dhwani's 'maun vrat' starts
this process of mental illness. Even though she is supposed to keep mum
and meditate, for 10 days we also get carried away start communicate
with each other in 'Dham Shraz Game' style. We have added sound effect of 'Hoo - Ha - Oh' and shake of heads.
During this Ganpati I kept saying no to sweets! Each and every one
was shocked. Some even suggested that I need to get my head checked.
Poor Dhwani, tried her best, but her sweet Bondi offer was rejected,
which Rinky though was sure sign of mental deficiency on my part.
No after seeing this picture, do I need to say anythig? Rinky,
captured the mood, the status of mental health perfectly in this
picture. Thankfully, Avi did not attempt to fly, thinking himself being a
bird. |
Shart is
most sober, intelligent and grounded person in our family. The process
of his brains getting damaged has started. For no rhyme and reason, Avi
[which we understand] and Sharat kept saying Babaji Ka Thulu. Kapil
Sharma must have not said so many times, which they did.
Our guest, Pooja got so carried away with our antics, that she said, we
citizens of Amritsar are also capable of doing senseless activities. To
prove this she played this huge drum, right in middle of the street,
next to Mandai. She was traffic stopper, no two views. A modern looking
girl in jeans, playing a drum, which she is not able to carry also. |
Suddenly Muskan gets possessed as we walk towards Manacha Ganpati Pandal. Dhwani tires to analysis her, but in the end gives up and accepts her defeat and keeps smiling |
Finally, Akshay uses brute force and drags her out of danger zone. On close study you see the totally difference 'रूप of Muskan. And finally, in the scary dark night, all are relieved when Muskan is her old self, specially Pooja. |
by P G Dodeja
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