Saturday, December 6, 2014

3oth Nov 2014 – 6th Dec 2014 [Working Women]

Sun: A major decision was taken on Sunday.  The wind flowing in our direction is changing drastically, dramatically and sometimes dangerously. Without going into what, where, how, when, all I need to say is, 2015 is going to be landmark year, whatever be the outcome, or our projections, one thing is for sure, year 2015 is going to be THE YEAR. Brovo. Hope is eternal, enjoy.

Kashmir Valley is in news once again. The election this time is drawing huge crowd. Our neighbors are finding this very difficult to digest, so they sent in huge number of terrorists to disrupt the peace in valley. In one day, 7 Jawans gave their life to protect us, and in return they took out 12 terrorists. Modi will be addressing rally in Valley on 8th. If he does that without any kind of misshape, it will be feather in cap of Army. This will be major win for India, lets hope for the best.

Hope is alive, the speed at which we register the progress in our mind and life is very slow, snails speed. But then when was world moving at our desired speed? Either, time moved slowly or very fast for us to enjoy it to fullest. One is never happy with times moment.

Akshay and his group achieved highest sale figure in terms of Xrbia units sold in Nov 2014. Now that Xrbia has added 5 new projects, inventory shortage is not going to be the problem as it was recently, and if they will keep performing as they did in November, month after month. Few more months of such performance, and our world will change in big way.

So, one can say, yes, world is changing, seed is sown and future is taking shape. Yah, but not at our desired speed, Can you argue with God?

Muskan and Akshay made a fast trip to Mumbai. The climate of Mumbai is not agreeing with Muskan, she has developed some kind of allergy, so when she is back, she has headache, running nose, feeling feverish. Doctor has advised her to stay away from Mumbai, but can she? No. Meanwhile, Dhwani has completed her sister Kosha's wedding plan, will go for shooting in Jamnagar with Kashyap, before returning to Pune. A long absence from Pune for her.  

Story of Lokram Dodeja Family Working Women.

Ritu returned from Ireland after completing her studies. Thankfully, she has not developed any ‘firangee’ mannerism nor has she developed any attitude. I would rather venture out and say, she has mellowed down in sober way. However, she is still like pure, hot blooded Dodeja. She has planned to return to Ireland for a very lucrative job offer. My grandfather would cringe at this though.

Just with passing of one generation, how traditions change, how living style changes, how priorities change and above all how people change.

I still remember, my Grandfather arguing against Savita taking up medical. ‘How can she work, even if she is doctor. How will she take care of her home?’ In this regard, Dad was cool, he would have accepted with reluctance.

In this decade, Dodeja  women had moved out of home and taken up jobs or professions. 
The very first name as working women I recall is of Vibha. She gave tutions and still is doing so in Mira society. Next two names are of Bhagwan Uncles two daughter in laws, [Saroj and Priya] running dress shops with help of husbands.
But in terms of doing serious full time job, at third party organization, first name will be of Megha Dodeja i.e Pinky.   
Pinky is in a sense pioneer by taking a job in school. For her it was very difficult task, as she was not trained for it, nor she has any qualifications, nor had she any experience before marriage, nor anyone has ever done a job in her circle. Whereas Muskan – Dhwani continued doing what they were doing before marriage, Muskan helping Akshay and Dhwani doing her counseling and helping Kashyap.  
And now my Grandfathers, great grand daughter Ritu, is thinking of doing a job in foreign land, all alone, where not a single soul you know as friend or relative.  

by P G Dodeja

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