Kabir is growing very fast. I have tried to capture and hold into memory of his growing up era in numerous clips. But still it takes away your breath when a baby who was tiny enough to manage to sleep in your two palms has grown up to your heart level ! Why I am surprised? I have seen 8 family kids growing up like that. Frankly, I have no clue.

And this english boy loves to use heavy english words, properly pronounced and said with corrent accent. For example, he says, 'I am irritated.' when actually he is! We only knew 'good / bad' general words and their meaning, and this boy uses words / phrases like donot disturb me, let's enjoy, deal done!
Then he has also started singing songs. From d'mart to Parmar park he kept singing 🎶 one word, 'दुनिया'. Muskan finally revealed the secret. It is song by Guarav Kadu, which Dhwani plays.
Goggle has developed 'Alexa'. A song player connected vai net to unlimited number of songs. So if I say, 'Alexa play hojmaloo'. It will play sindhi 'Hojmaloo' song. Our kabir keeps playing his favorite songs. Among them is 'Kabira naa ja'. So I think this singing habit is cumulative effect of Alexa.

Last time when we had taken him to d'mart, he was small enough to carry him in 'godhi'. However on this Thursday I found it difficult to do so. He rejected trolley ride. So option was, allow him to wander around. He kept running 🏃 in various lanes with Muskan shouting behind him, 'kabir.. Come sit in trolly. Where are you.' She kept threatening him. 'तू गया. आज मैं छोड़ूंगी नहीं' And he kept ignoring her.
There is one section in D'mart where there are many open bins for Grains, Daals, Sugar etc.
From open bins of sugar, he will taste sugar and say, "it is sweet." And to divert him from sampling activity I said.
'kabir help me putting wheat in this bag.' It was blunder, asking his help. Once he filled bag, i have to get it sealed. So leave him for few minutes near those various grains, wheat, rice bin. And this boy continues his task of pouring various items from one bin to other. He ended up putting massur ki daal in tur ki daal bin. 53 rupees wheat in 38 rupees wheat bin. Before i get confronted by staff, i rush out of that section of d'mart and relax. Now, after Chinky, Kabir is second person who is no-no as shopping companion.
Dhwani and Muskan voluntarily spent hour or so, running after Kabir, to make eat his paratha, or to finish his 'haldi wala dhood'. One day Kashyap decided that it is time to make kabir sit on chair and finish his food. It took him only two days! Now he eats or drinks his milk, sitting on his special chair.

Saturday was a sad day. We had library of books collected by three generations. Grandfather, father and myself. Starting from 50's, my grandfather had this sitting room was covered with shelfs filled with magazines and religious books, (national geography, kalyan magazine, Ramayan, Bhagwats etc) in 1306 home. Dad earnestly started accumulating books in 60`s. He used living room wall for books storage in flat 7, Ghatkopar. His topic was Sind and crime fiction. Than in 80's I started adding books to that library. Photography, Crime fiction etc was my main subject. When space shortage was noticed we moved big chunk of books in a storage room in flat 5/75 mira society.
Dad purchased a Sindhi Library of 5000 books from a relative living in Lamington Road, Mumbai. These were given the pride of place in Shivganga flat on first floor. It was Library plus accounts plus DTP section. After sixty years or so, all these books were shifted to fursinghi godown in pune, when we shifted to Wanwadi. After gathering dust for few years, I started to dispose of major chunks of books. First to go were English fiction, Hindi trash, Sindhi satsangh, poetry and prose. Once we sold three tempos filled with books.
We kept some selected books, (100 years old, on sind, Grandfather, Dad published books etc) in small room in Krshna Kunj. However this room had other surplus home products also, so storage in this 6x3 rooms was limited. So I asked Ravi to keep them in corner of his 2500 sqr feet godown, which he did. Few months back Narendra took over the possession of Godown.
On Saturday he filled a tempo and returned those few books. After long struggle and with heavy heart I called kabadiwalla and disposed off all the remaining books.
Sad, we were not able to hold on, on this heritage.

Winter has set in. It is very pleasant in morning. Very pleasant. A great gift from creator.
And here is Dad hand written post, I stumbled on recently. Enjoy.

And this english boy loves to use heavy english words, properly pronounced and said with corrent accent. For example, he says, 'I am irritated.' when actually he is! We only knew 'good / bad' general words and their meaning, and this boy uses words / phrases like donot disturb me, let's enjoy, deal done!
Then he has also started singing songs. From d'mart to Parmar park he kept singing 🎶 one word, 'दुनिया'. Muskan finally revealed the secret. It is song by Guarav Kadu, which Dhwani plays.
Goggle has developed 'Alexa'. A song player connected vai net to unlimited number of songs. So if I say, 'Alexa play hojmaloo'. It will play sindhi 'Hojmaloo' song. Our kabir keeps playing his favorite songs. Among them is 'Kabira naa ja'. So I think this singing habit is cumulative effect of Alexa.

Last time when we had taken him to d'mart, he was small enough to carry him in 'godhi'. However on this Thursday I found it difficult to do so. He rejected trolley ride. So option was, allow him to wander around. He kept running 🏃 in various lanes with Muskan shouting behind him, 'kabir.. Come sit in trolly. Where are you.' She kept threatening him. 'तू गया. आज मैं छोड़ूंगी नहीं' And he kept ignoring her.
There is one section in D'mart where there are many open bins for Grains, Daals, Sugar etc.
From open bins of sugar, he will taste sugar and say, "it is sweet." And to divert him from sampling activity I said.
'kabir help me putting wheat in this bag.' It was blunder, asking his help. Once he filled bag, i have to get it sealed. So leave him for few minutes near those various grains, wheat, rice bin. And this boy continues his task of pouring various items from one bin to other. He ended up putting massur ki daal in tur ki daal bin. 53 rupees wheat in 38 rupees wheat bin. Before i get confronted by staff, i rush out of that section of d'mart and relax. Now, after Chinky, Kabir is second person who is no-no as shopping companion.
Dhwani and Muskan voluntarily spent hour or so, running after Kabir, to make eat his paratha, or to finish his 'haldi wala dhood'. One day Kashyap decided that it is time to make kabir sit on chair and finish his food. It took him only two days! Now he eats or drinks his milk, sitting on his special chair.

Saturday was a sad day. We had library of books collected by three generations. Grandfather, father and myself. Starting from 50's, my grandfather had this sitting room was covered with shelfs filled with magazines and religious books, (national geography, kalyan magazine, Ramayan, Bhagwats etc) in 1306 home. Dad earnestly started accumulating books in 60`s. He used living room wall for books storage in flat 7, Ghatkopar. His topic was Sind and crime fiction. Than in 80's I started adding books to that library. Photography, Crime fiction etc was my main subject. When space shortage was noticed we moved big chunk of books in a storage room in flat 5/75 mira society.
Dad purchased a Sindhi Library of 5000 books from a relative living in Lamington Road, Mumbai. These were given the pride of place in Shivganga flat on first floor. It was Library plus accounts plus DTP section. After sixty years or so, all these books were shifted to fursinghi godown in pune, when we shifted to Wanwadi. After gathering dust for few years, I started to dispose of major chunks of books. First to go were English fiction, Hindi trash, Sindhi satsangh, poetry and prose. Once we sold three tempos filled with books.
We kept some selected books, (100 years old, on sind, Grandfather, Dad published books etc) in small room in Krshna Kunj. However this room had other surplus home products also, so storage in this 6x3 rooms was limited. So I asked Ravi to keep them in corner of his 2500 sqr feet godown, which he did. Few months back Narendra took over the possession of Godown.
On Saturday he filled a tempo and returned those few books. After long struggle and with heavy heart I called kabadiwalla and disposed off all the remaining books.
Sad, we were not able to hold on, on this heritage.

Winter has set in. It is very pleasant in morning. Very pleasant. A great gift from creator.
And here is Dad hand written post, I stumbled on recently. Enjoy.

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